
At this point the Alliance is soliciting project proposals and we kindly ask you to submit your ideas. We need cooperation and universal input. Innovative projects can help to inform scientific and regulatory questions and decision making that are critical to the field’s growth.

We have put together one-page project framework that should make it easy to capture the most important aspects. Download the project proposal blueprint here.

Please email your project proposal (in both Word and PowerPoint form) to:

If you would like a support letter from PIcc, please email requests to:

Below you can see an infographic depicting the overall interests in individual projects that were collected from the blueprints submitted via this page, as well as those solicited during the Breakout Sessions from the Alliance meeting hosted by the MDIC.

download (9).png

CMS/CLIA Allowing Temporary Remote Signout During COVID-19 Pandemic (Regulatory Flexibilities)